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Current Church Officers


David Allen     228-547-1007     
Ben Bowden     228-596-5007     
John Chaney (Clerk)     228-238-4379     
Mike Clark     228-326-3213     
Jeff Harrison     228-596-6600     
Tim Horn (Pastor)     662-313-8445     
Ken Pennell     601-674-1637     
Aaron Smith     601-214-0918     
Dean Rydbeck
(Pastoral Care Minister)


Andy Bagby     228-547-5334     
Phil Harding (Chariman)     410-310-2389     
Steve VanderKooy     228-990-1933     

Descriptions of Offices


As a Presbyterian church, our church leadership consists of two ordained offices; elder and deacon. The Greek word for elder, presbuteros, means "overseer." Elders are laymen voted on by the congregation and set apart for the office through ordination. They are entrusted with overseeing the congregation, pointing people to Christ, instilling in people the vision and mission of the church, leading in word and deed, and protecting the church from anything that would disturb her purity and peace. Elders are chosen based on their fulfillment of the qualifications for elder laid out in Titus 1 and 1 Timothy 3. The elders at First Presbyterian Church are glad to meet with you, hear your questions and concerns, and provide support and encouragement to you.


Deacons are also laymen who are voted on by the congregation and set apart for the office through ordination based on the qualifications laid out in 1 Timothy 3. The Greek word for deacon, diakonos, means "servant." The diaconate was established as an office of the church in Acts 6. Whereas the elders are mostly responsible for a "word-based" ministry, deacons are responsible for the "deed-based" ministry. Our deacons lead the congregation in tending to the building and grounds, handling the church budget, and serving the mercy needs of those within and outside of the church. Our deacons are glad to serve you with any tangible need you may have.