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Date Sermon Speaker
01/16/2022 The Fruit of the Spirit - Faithfulness (pistis) (Part 1)
Genesis 15
Shannon Philio
01/16/2022 Persecution and Preservation
Joshua 10:1-27
Tim Horn
01/09/2022 The Fruit of the Spirit - Goodness (agathosune) (Part 3)
James 1:22-25
Shannon Philio
01/09/2022 Grace for the Gibeonites
Joshua 9
Tim Horn
01/02/2022 The Fruit of the Spirit - Goodness (agathosune) (Part 2)
Luke 18:18-30
Shannon Philio
01/02/2022 A Do-Over
Joshua 8
Tim Horn
12/26/2021 Wise Men Worship
Matthew 2:1-18
Tim Horn